Boost BigCommerce Store's Performance with Website Speedy App

Boost Your BigCommerce Store’s Performance with the New Website Speedy App


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the speed and performance of your e-commerce store can significantly impact your success. Online shoppers have become increasingly impatient, and even a few seconds of delay can lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers. Therefore, ensuring your website loads quickly is crucial. That’s where the Website Speedy app comes in. Recently launched on the BigCommerce App Store, this innovative tool is designed to optimize your store’s speed, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers and giving you a competitive edge.

What is Website Speedy App?

Website Speedy is a cutting-edge app dedicated to Bigcommerce Store Speed Optimization. Its mission is to enhance your website’s speed by implementing advanced techniques and optimizations, ensuring your site runs smoothly and efficiently. By using Website Speedy, you can significantly reduce loading times, improve user experience, and boost your store’s overall performance.

Features and Benefits of Website Speedy

Website Speedy offers a range of features designed to maximize your website’s speed. These include:

  • Blocking non-essential third-party scripts until after the page loads.
  • Asynchronous loading, prefetching, and preloading of resources.
  • Implementation of lazy loading to prioritize the loading of visible content.
  • Proprietary optimizations for enhanced performance.
  • Manual optimization options for sites needing additional tweaks.

These features work together to ensure your BigCommerce store operates at its best, providing your customers with a faster and more enjoyable experience.

Why BigCommerce?

BigCommerce is a leading e-commerce platform known for its robust features and flexibility. It offers a range of tools and integrations that make it easy for store owners to manage their online business. By launching on BigCommerce, Website Speedy aims to provide its powerful ecommerce speed optimization capabilities to a broader audience of e-commerce entrepreneurs.

The Synergy Between Website Speedy and BigCommerce

The combination of Website Speedy and BigCommerce creates a powerful synergy for online store owners. With Website Speedy’s advanced optimization techniques and BigCommerce’s robust platform, you can achieve unparalleled performance and speed, leading to higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

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Key Features of the Website Speedy App for BigCommerce

Blocking Non-Essential Third-Party Scripts

One of the standout features of Website Speedy is its ability to block non-essential third-party scripts until after the page has loaded. This prevents unnecessary scripts from slowing down your site, ensuring a faster initial load time.

Asynchronous Loading, Prefetching, and Preloading

Website Speedy utilizes asynchronous loading, prefetching, and preloading techniques to load resources more efficiently. This means that critical resources are loaded first, while non-essential ones are loaded in the background, reducing the overall load time.

Implementation of Lazy Loading

The app also implements lazy loading, which prioritizes the loading of content that is visible to the user. This ensures that your customers can start interacting with your site more quickly, improving their overall experience.

Proprietary Optimizations for Enhanced Performance

Website Speedy includes a range of proprietary optimizations designed to boost performance. These optimizations are tailored to the unique needs of e-commerce stores, ensuring your site runs at its best.

Manual Optimization Options

For stores that need additional tweaks, Website Speedy offers manual optimization options. These allow you to fine-tune your site’s performance, ensuring it meets your specific requirements.

Benefits for BigCommerce Store Owners

Using the Website Speedy app on your BigCommerce store offers numerous benefits, including:

Faster Load Times

By optimizing your website’s performance, Website Speedy ensures faster load times. This leads to a better user experience, as customers can quickly access your products and services.

Enhanced SEO Rankings

Search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites. By improving your site’s speed with Website Speedy, you can achieve enhanced SEO rankings, making it easier for customers to find your store.

Increased Conversion Rates and Reduced Bounce Rates

A faster website leads to increased conversion rates and reduced bounce rates. Customers are more likely to stay on your site and make a purchase if they don’t have to wait for pages to load.

Improved Core Web Vitals Metrics

Website Speedy helps improve key Core Web Vitals metrics, including First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and Total Blocking Time (TBT). Better scores in these metrics lead to a more efficient and user-friendly website.

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Boost in Sales and Revenue

By improving user experience and reducing page load times, Website Speedy can directly contribute to a boost in sales and revenue. When customers have a seamless shopping experience, they are more likely to complete their purchases and return for future transactions.

Lower Cart Abandonment Rates

Slow-loading websites often result in high cart abandonment rates. With Website Speedy, you can ensure your checkout process is smooth and fast, leading to lower cart abandonment rates and higher conversion rates.

Better Mobile Performance

With the increasing number of customers shopping on mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure your site performs well on smartphones and tablets. Website Speedy increases BigCommerce speed on mobile, providing a consistent and fast experience across all devices.

How to Install and Use the Website Speedy App on BigCommerce

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Log in to your BigCommerce account and navigate to the BigCommerce App Store.
  2. Search for “Website Speedy” in the app store.
  3. Click on the Website Speedy app and select “Install”.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  5. Once installed, open the Website Speedy app from your BigCommerce dashboard.

Configuring Website Speedy for Optimal Performance

After installing the app, you can configure it to suit your store’s specific needs. Website Speedy offers a range of customization options, allowing you to enable or disable features as required. For optimal performance, we recommend enabling all features and monitoring your store’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.


In conclusion, the Website Speedy app is a game-changer for BigCommerce store owners. By leveraging advanced optimization techniques, it ensures your website loads quickly, providing a better user experience and ultimately leading to higher conversions and revenue. Don’t let slow load times hold you back – install the Website Speedy app today and take your BigCommerce store to the next level.


August 6, 2024

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