
Enhancing the Speed of the BoxHeart Website to Improve Consumer Experience and Conversions

Business Brief:

Nicole Capozzi and Joshua Hogan founded BoxHeart in 1998, becoming a crucial part of Pittsburgh's art scene. They focus on showcasing emerging and unique artists. In 2017, their gallery/home space opened after a decade of commitment.

For over 20 years, they have exclusively featured contemporary artists, helping boost their careers. Their artists are now in permanent collections and museums, receiving prestigious projects. BoxHeart is a welcoming space for art lovers, always open to the public for free.

Problem Overview:

BoxHeart had a problem with its website being slow, making it hard for people to enjoy the art easily.

BoxHeart had a problem: their website was slow, making it hard for people to check out the art. They wanted to make it faster and better for art lovers. So, they asked us to help, and we're working to speed up their website. Our aim is to make it easy and fun for everyone to explore and enjoy the beautiful art at BoxHeart.

Solution Offered:

Rapid website loading increases customer retention, boosts revenue, and enhances brand site functionality.

Making a website load faster is important for people to enjoy using it. It means only a few individuals leave the site quickly, more people buy things, and the whole site works better.

We checked how long it takes for BoxHeart's website to load on different pages, like the main one and the product page. With their permission, we used our tool, Website Speedy, to make the website load faster.

Our tool quickly fixed issues on the website by organizing things better and removing unnecessary elements. This made the website load much faster. After using the Website Speedy tool, BoxHeart's website was faster on both phones and computers, making users happier.

Our tool did more than just make the website faster. It also made sure pictures load well and remove extra elements on the site. After we helped, BoxHeart's website worked faster on all web browsers, whether people used a phone or a computer. Making a website load quickly is important for keeping users happy, and our tool did that for BoxHeart in a short time.


  • Core Web Vitals
  • Lazy Loading
  • Page Speed
  • Mobile Optimization

Results Since We Started:

Thus, using Website Speedy, we boosted the site loading speed and fixed all the major issues the site was experiencing. Now, the brand is loading smoothly across all devices and providing the best consumer experience. Here is how our efforts contributed to expanding brand exposure by improving the loading speed.

Home Page

Page Speed Insight

  • Mobile: Increased by 40 pts.
  • Desktop: Increased by 19 pts.
discounted Cables Before Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables Before Homepage Desktop Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Desktop Banner

Collection Page

Page Speed Insight

  • Mobile: Increased by 7 pts.
  • Desktop: Increased by 8 pts.
discounted Cables Before Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables Before Homepage Desktop Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Desktop Banner

Product Page

Page Speed Insight

  • Mobile: Increased by 22 pts.
  • Desktop: Increased by 1 pts.
discounted Cables Before Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Mobile Banner
discounted Cables Before Homepage Desktop Banner
discounted Cables After Homepage Desktop Banner
Background Image of Review Section

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